Monday, October 29, 2007

Sew 'Er Up Tight, Doc

Bon-bons anyone?

I will gladly share as I sit on my patootie for the next 2 weeks after the cerclage tomorrow. That is, barring I make it to the surgery alive since I cannot eat after midnight. I requested triple knots in the cerclage string, and Dr. B. said he would quadruple it just for me. I really don't care if he performs a colorful 4th grade weaving project down there...whatever it takes. Just let this work.


Monica H said...

Oh, I hope he pulls you so tight!!! That sounds really wierd, but you know what I mean :) What kind of cerclage are you getting? Dr. B would be the one to do my cerclage as well, so I'm kind of living vicariously through you right now until it's my turn. I wish you well.

And yes, Peggy Bundy, I would like some bon-bons!

Kristen said...

Good luck tomorrow! You'll be in my thoughts.

Julie said...

Thinking of you today as you get your cerclage! Mine is holding tight and I know yours will, too! Hugs and prayers!!!

Kim said...

Praying for you and thinking tight, closed-cervix thoughts for you! Hope all goes swimmingly!

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