Monday, January 7, 2008

Not This Time, Kid

22 weeks, 5 days and all is well. The sonographer was a little concerned about increased amniotic fluid, but my blood sugar level was normal and the sonogram showed no GI obstruction, so Dr. B. isn't concerned. Sweet baby girl is measuring ahead of schedule by 5 days and my cervix looks peachy. However, she has decided that my cervix is a trampoline made for stomping. Let it be known loud and clear:

She can stomp all she wants, but coming out early really isn't an option.


Anonymous said...


Pretty wild to be a human trampoline...get used to it, Momma!


Monica H said...

Stop kicking! That scares me...Jack did the same to me too.

Cool pic though :)

Ann said...

I'm so glad all is well. :)

Kim said...

Look at that LOOONG pretty cervix! And that might be one of the funniest u/s pictures I've ever seen. (I also like her long, pretty legs!)

cb said...

I love how that DAYS TO GO number keeps getting smaller and smaller...and sweet baby girl keeps getting bigger and bigger! I think she is going to be a dancer -she has long beautiful legs and she is already practicing her toe work... : )

Anonymous said...


I am sooo happy for you!

Mrs. Collins said...

Is that me or is that the biggest foot ever? Does your DH have big feet? I think you have a tall one on your hands.

custom writing help said...

I think sonographer is the preferred term for the specialised healthcare practitioner who performs Diagnostic Medical Sonography or diagnostic ultrasound