Monday, August 13, 2007


My head is spinning and it aches. I feel dizzy. My neck aches. My belly feels like it might blow at any given moment.

We can either chalk this up to nasty Clomid and the two (yes, I said two!) big follicles I currently have. Or, we can say it is a nasty case of the I Don't Want To Go Back To Work Tomorrows.

Either way, I feel like a dog.


Kim said...

Two is good, right? And I can definitely understand the "I don't want to go to work tomorrows." I suffer from them on a regular basis. Like, every day I have to work the next day. :)

missing_one said...

maybe a little of both?
I go back Thursday and am already freaking out...and the kids aren't even back until next week

Mrs. Collins said...

It's probably both. I hope you don't have to go back to work and face newly pregnant co-workers. That sucks! One of my co-workers (young, single, all that unfair stuff) announced she was pregnant last year... at only 6 weeks too, and it really bit. Just make sure to bring your big Starbucks latte and a fake smile and you'll do fine.

Anonymous said...

I'll supply the decaf white chocolate mocha if you'd like!

I'm sure I'll be feeling like a dog, too, in exactly 5 days!

Anonymous said...

Two follicles? - That's great! I will be praying over this cycle for you!!!
Brandy J