My newest job is much more important. It will take precedence over my first job. It will take more energy and strength than I have some days. It will require a great deal of rest, faith, healthy choices, and positive thinking. It will be all consuming, but will pay better than any other job on earth. This job will guide my thinking, my actions, and my words. This job requires me to put everything and everyone else on the back burner. And although I know too well that this job involves a great deal of risk, I remain confident that this job will lead me to a place I've been praying for.
My new job is Pregnancy #4 and I'm excited but scared to death.
SHUT UP!!!! I am so excited for you! What a WONDERFUL second job!!!!! Praying!
I am so happy for you and will support you in any way that you need (with your first job or your awesome second job)!
I love you lots!
Congratulations and best wishes!
Ditto to what Natalie said!
Woohoo! Congratulations :-)
OMG, congratulations!!! I am wishing for a sticky bean for you. May the 4th time be the charm! I really believe your grandfather is looking down on you and has sent you this gift. How wonderful :)
Congratulations!!! I came across your blog and I am happy to see the good news.
OH MY GOSH!! I have no idea why this caught me so off guard, but it did!! I am overwhelmed with hopefulness for you!! You are in my prayers.
such wonderful news. i think you will do great at this job!
Congratulations!! I am so, so happy for you and will send many prayers. I know it's a scary time - I've been there - but I have faith and hope for you.
CONGRATULATIONS! I hope that this one goes much better.
Take care of yourself!
Yay! Congrats!
*small voice* can it be my turn next teacher?
Congratulations! I wish you the very best. You have the bestest job ever!
Oh, I am hormonal and crying and CONGRATULATIONS!!! (Heh, Sunny - SHUT UP!!!! is perfect!) I am SO happy for you guys! I am praying hard for you guys and the little one!
Well this will totally make my day! Yea for you! I'm almost done with my SPAL (subsequent pregnancy after a loss), and yeah, it's hard... but totally worth it. I knew there was a reason I was up at 4AM!! And yes, you've got a few angels looking out for you.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it! ...this is me hugging you right now...and praying for you always...and thinking that surely no one deserves this more than you and your Babe!
I have never even laid eyes on you, but must say that I started crying when I read your news! PRAISE GOD!!!!!! Congratulations, M.V.!!! I prayed this very thing for you... may He bless you BEYOND belief!!
Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
first :: wooooohooooo! happy dance! wooooohooooo! happy dance!
second :: speaking from similar life experience, it's a long road and you will have to remind yourself to breathe. all. the. time.
my best advice is :: day by day. don't get ahead of yourself, break it down into small bits. just take it day by day and then it's amazing, one day you will find you are just there! easier said than done, i know. i know.
calm thoughts headed your way. :)
What wonderful news!
AWESOME!!!! I am so happy for you!
I just finished reading your entire bolg and I must say this was the perfect way to wrap up my night. I will be praying for you and your hubby. Congratulations!
Such wonderful news!
OMG, congratulations!!!!!
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