Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh Yeah...And One More

Idiot HR Person (3 days after delivering): "And how long do you plan to take off?"
Me: "I get six weeks."
Idiot HR Person: "Well...that was before. I think the circumstances have changed now."
Me (almost coming across the table to rip her head off): "My doctor's paperwork said I get six weeks. I just delivered 2 babies that did not live."


The Nanny said...

Kim said...

Oh, Melissa. Some people should be ashamed of themselves. Idiot HR person, Dr. Jerk, Insensitive name a few. I am so sorry.

Yias Yias Girl said...

HR people can be so insensitive. I've always wondered why, since they chose to work directly with people (the human in Human Resources). I'm so sorry she said that.

Monica H said...

oh my words.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that crap. I lost my first daughter after her premature birth at 23 weeks. I'm a teacher too and my HR dept. had the AUDACITY to call me the MORNING after our daughter's funeral to tell me that I had five days of paid "bereavment" and that they needed to know NOW when I was coming back. Please know you continue to be in my prayers-I know in my heart you are going to deliver a happy, healthy baby.

Sunny said...

HR totally sucks. Always suck. HUGS!

Mrs. Collins said...

Ugghh.. don't even know what to say.