Sunday, February 17, 2008


Miles, that is.

My Babe ran his first marathon today like a first class champ. It was super fun and I'm excited already for the next one.

To top it off, we arrived home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the front porch from an unknown giver. They smell Heavenly and look that way too - thank you Secret Admirer!


Andria said...

Aww... look at your belly! So sweet!!!

mbc said...

Wow Tim, congratulations! Thanks for putting a pic of that belly in there too--it totally made me smile.

Kim said...

Look at you, cute pregnant lady! :) Congrats to you for 28 (plus!!) weeks, and congrats to the Babe for making it through his first marathon! I am hoping someday to do one!

Monica H said...

Congrats you marathon runner! Love your belly and those flowers. Very sweet.

Anonymous said...

26.2, 28, You must be really happy about all of those even numbered milestones!

Way to go, Mr. V!